I will say what so many of us may be feeling this Thanksgiving; it's hard to be thankful for things when the world is in the state it's in. Obama gets another 4 years to take a wrecking ball to freedom, unemployment continues to be a huge and painful issue, Israel is under constant attack, and the majority of Americans only seem to care about the latest iGadget or what the celebrities are up to. We fought the fight in this election and we lost. Yes, it's hard to have something leap to mind where thankfulness is concerned.
But we must pause and take stock of things from the ground up. If we have a warm home in which to sleep, we should be thankful. If we are one of the lucky few to have a good job, we should give thanks. If we have food that isn't purchased by food stamps, that's nothing to sneeze at. If we have our health, we are blessed. If you start small and basic, you see it's not that bad after all. And you know what else you see, you see the war isn't even close to over.
Over the past weeks, I've done a lot of soul searching. I was devastated on election night. I admit to having a bit of a panic attack and sleeping was very difficult. I felt like the last volley had been issued and our stand against socialism was over. Capitalism was dead; freedom was dead. But as the days progressed, I saw the soldiers slowly drag themselves from the dirt. We began to regroup and count our losses. We gained a lot in this election, though it's hard to see. We gained, first and foremost, fortitude. We learned exactly what must be done to outwit our enemy, this election showing us some of the final pieces of the plan. Our strength to keep going, even after such a defeat, shows we are far from surrender. Fortitude is important, perhaps more important than almost anything in a fight like this.
In my own life, I struggle with many desires and disappointments. If not for fortitude, the willingness to keep going and above all, keep going as who I am, I wouldn't be where I am today. When outnumbered, it's easy to defect. People want to be on the side that's winning. But what is victory if gained at the cost of one's integrity and faith? I watch people succeed in my field on sheer gimmick alone while I struggle to gain a footing in the industry with nearly 10 years of experience and a lifetime of creative talent. People say, "You just don't know the right people," or "You don't act or look like a popular designer." My own husband has suggested I adopt an alias, someone with a hyperbolic past, some piercings, and maybe an 'alternative lifestyle'. It would seem, as in today's politics, how you appear is far more important than your actual capabilities. Yes, when you're on the outside looking in, defection sounds so very simple.
But I have held fast, resisting the temptation to sacrifice who I am for hollow praise. And we brave conservatives stand strong as well. Our fortitude has not allowed us the easy escape of surrender and that's something to be very thankful for. Things are far from good in America, but you can take solace in this: we will not give up. When the odds are against you, in your personal life or otherwise, take strength from the things for which you give thanks. Take strength from your family, from your ability to persevere, from your stalwart individuality in a world where abnormal is the new normal. Don't make excuses and don't take the easy road. All good things come at a price; be thankful you have the richness of faith to pay it.
Happy Thanksgiving America, the greatest nation on earth. God bless!