Monday, February 15, 2010

Spinning on a Human Axis: Global Warming Ego-Worship

I have one word to describe climate-change fanatics: selfish. I bet you thought I was going to say stupid. Fooled you! Not that I don’t believe the fanatics to be a bit on the irrational side, its just that I believe their self-love is stronger. What does climate change or global warming have to do with egotism? Everything.

The earth isn’t a spring chicken. This rock has been spinning for millennia. Since the beginning of time as we understand it, hundreds of species have been eradicated, earthquakes have trembled, volcanoes have blown, snows have fallen and melted, water has dried up and returned. That is the cycle of things. And through it all, the earth has continued to orbit the sun in serene silence. In the later 20th century, people really began to question why the weather seemed different. Instead of looking to the past for proof of ‘natural weather patterns’ they looked to themselves, something they seemed to know all to well. An epiphany rested on their daisy-crowned hippie heads and they said, “it’s our fault!” Somehow, a tornado in Kansas, a rainstorm in Thailand, or a weak ski season in Switzerland was all the fault of humans. As the mania progressed, people began to think that the tiny act of recycling a soda can was going to stop a polar bear from drowning in the melting snow caps. Flower-child philosophy had turned into a religion.

So what’s the harm in stewardship? There isn’t harm in stewardship, none at all. The problem is when you believe humans are to blame for something they can’t possibly be responsible for and subsequently the only beings who can stop it. The earth does things that has absolutely nothing to do with humans. Did humans sit the earth on an axis? Are they the ones who force it to orbit? Those questions are obviously ridiculous, but just how off-base are they considering we ask questions like: “Is the exhaust from my car killing a species of tree-dwelling frog in Brazil?”

The proverb reads: “He who knows not and knows not he knows not: he is a fool - shun him. He who knows not and knows he knows not: he is simple - teach him. He who knows and knows not he knows: he is asleep - wake him. He who knows and knows he knows: he is wise - follow him.” The climate changers know not of science, not really. They think they have all of science on their side. But in science, there are only definitive absolutes. Either water is composed of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom or it isn’t. That fact has been proven, so water is H2O. For something to be scientific fact, it has to be proven absolutely.

Years of climate study has done nothing to disprove global warming, but the fact the warm-mongers refuse to accept is that this study has done nothing to prove it either. There is no ‘consensus’ among scientists that global warming is a fact. The notion of scientific consensus is completely against the principles of science to begin with. Merriam-Webster defines ‘consensus’ as 1 a : general agreement : unanimity b : the judgment arrived at by most of those concerned 2 : group solidarity in sentiment and belief. If you apply that definition to science, you come away with an oxymoron: absolutely factual opinion.

To wage a world-wide crusade fueled only by opinion, that can be one of two things: religion or greed. In this case, I think its both. The reason the global warming nuts are selfish is because they believe they have the godly power to change something they can't even comprehend. Their cause has become a worship of the human god in a guise of respect for the environment. They have so little regard for who they really are, so little self-esteem, they compensate by becoming superheroes in their own mind. Every step further into the self-righteous murk they take adds greedy flame to their fire. They support ridiculous legislation built around carbon footprints and credits. They scoff at traditional methods of conservation and stewardship in favor of their own 'human centric' versions. They want so badly to feel their life has an impact that they will impact everyone around them just to pat themselves on the back. That is precisely why I find them selfish. They toss aside all the evidence to the contrary because they have somehow begun to see this global warming belief as a measure of their own worth.

Taking care of the environment is a good thing, science, as well as common sense, will back that up. But being the earth's savior by imparting damage on your fellow humans, that's just silly. Little things can make an impact, but environmentalism, just like anything else, has to be kept in perspective. So 'he who knows not and knows not he knows not,' can continue to insist owning a dog causes as much of a carbon footprint as driving an SUV. They can live in a house powered by solar panels in an area that gets sun maybe 130 or so days a year. Let them eat organic food that costs more for farmers to produce, more for grocers to supply, and more for the consumer to buy. I've done my research, I've seen the science, and until every scientist on the planet says "put down that regular light bulb and step away from the lamp" I'm going to worship God, love my dog, and drive my truck. Besides, why would I want to put my faith in humans, they make too many errors in judgment.

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